Hello Bloggers,
Well these past few weeks have been a whirlwind for me. I have come to the harsh reality of being a grown up, and it is frightening. I seem to have spun into a patch of depression, working two jobs and busting my ass for almost little reward. I keep thinking that this wasn't the life I had signed on for. Wasn't I supposed to be on Broadway or changing the world? I look around at all of my friends, getting jobs in their fields, getting married, and having kids, and I wonder when something like that will happen for me.
I know I feel a bit like a hypocrite considering I have London and Miami just on the horizon, but right now I am so exhausted and lonely that it's hard to focus on the positives. London seems so elusive, even though it is only 3 months away!!!!!!!!!
Also Urban Cowboy keeps surprising me! He is so funny, so sweet, and is a pretty good kisser. The only problem is that this is my year for me, and I am so afraid of letting anyone get in the way of that. I want to be single and successful so badly, but it is also a lonely road. I know we can't pick and choose when we find someone that we click with, but this could not come at a worse time. I am so unstable and grappling with all of these mixed emotions. I have the reality of reality smacking me in the face, London, realizing that I live in Texas, no friends, The White Knight professing his love over text every week, and my 2 jobs which have left me with no time to get anything else done. I can't balance all of this, at least I haven't been able to find a balance. The only thing keeping me sane is working out and How I Met Your Mother re-runs.
When I was little I was always in such a hurry to grow up, now that I am here I really want to get off this ride.
Breakups,Makeups,and Hookups. You Name it, I've got you covered. Exploring the thrilling and awkward world of dating in the Twin Cities and now in Dallas!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I Just Want to Have My Cake and Eat It Too
Hola Amigos,
Tiger Lily, here to fill you in on the goings-on of the twin cities now that my dear friend has left us. First of all, there is Mary-Jane who is going through a break-up, so I anticipate a lot of ice cream and wine in our near futures. Next, another close friend of mine is in town this weekend and it has been great catching up with her!!
On the romance side, my life has recently become one huge clusterfuck of confusion. Since my last blog post, the Friend and I have continued our “courtship”. We talk everyday after we are done with work, and most days we will hang out, even if the other has plans, we will hang out afterward. Now, even though we started having sex, we only have sex 2 or 3 times a week, the rest of the time it is like I am just with a good friend.. (ha). Now the last week has been interesting, with Valentines Day and all. The night before Valentines Day we were talking about flowers, and I offhandedly mentioned I had never gotten roses from anyone. So the next night he comes to my house, looking very exasperated. He told me he looked for 2 hours for flowers for me, but could not find any.. it’s the thought that counts?
We were supposed to go out that night, but first one of my oldest friends, the Hubby who I have a “future marriage pact” (aka if we are 40 and single, we are getting hitched) with was having a birthday party. I asked if it was alright to stop by with the Friend, as a friend (gosh this is confusing) and Hubby said no. He then proceeded to not answer my calls or texts for two hours! When he finally texted me back, he was incredibly angry and rude. After 2 hours of texting back and forth, the Friend texted the Hubby and told him to stop being rude to me. Twenty minutes later (at about 1am) the Friend left to go home. I stopped texting Hubby, and tried to sleep. At 4:00am the Friend texts me to tell me he JUST got of the phone with the Hubby, who had been arguing with him. The Friend stuck up for me and defended me when I was upset, which was a really nice thing for him to do.
SO today I was thinking about Miami (the city). I texted Mr. Miami to confirm my arrangements to stay with him for a couple days while I am there. After texting him I couldn’t stop thinking about how excited I was to see him… and bump uglies again. I talked to Just Another Girl, who kindly pointed out that I am pretty much in a relationship. The Friend and I see each other almost every night, talk every day, kiss each other goodbye, and he even called me to chat while I was in California last weekend. People have referred to him as my boyfriend…. and last time I didn’t correct them. She gave me good advice, “follow your stronger feeling”. Now, we would all think my stronger feeling is what I have for the Friend… but blogosphere, after she said that, all I could think about was Mr. Miami and how much I was looking forward to seeing him and spending time with him. I realized that I am not willing to give that up to exclusively date the Friend. So what does that mean? I am going to take her advice, and follow my stronger feeling. It is not because I think that Mr. Miami and I could be together, it’s the fact that I am not willing to give up another man to be with the Friend. So now my question is, how do I have an “I don’t want to be in a relationship” talk but keep all the perks.
I guess the saying really is true “You Can’t Have Your Cake and Eat It Too”. How can I explain that I like the companionship of seeing the Friend everyday, along with the sex, but not want a relationship? I was really hoping I could put off this conversation but it is obvious that no one can tame (the single) Tiger Lily.
Hasta Lavista bloggers,
Tiger Lily
Monday, February 13, 2012
Did I Just Lasso a Cowboy by Accident?
So, as promised I decided to stick my neck out there and hunt for some new friends. I accepted a date Saturday night on OkCupid with a boy we will call Urban Cowboy for the simple fact that he is a blend of Hipster meets Metro meets Cowboy from East Texas. He was excited to show me all of the joys that the UNT (University of Northern Texas) campus had to offer. The result: Fry Street. For my readers back in Minneapolis Fry Street is a way down south version of Dinky-town...but much much better. By this I mean that it is not just the new baby 21 year old's that frequent here. If you are between the ages of 21 to 30, it is safe to assume that you will fit in just fine.
We planned on meeting up at a bar called Lucky Lou's, which seems to be the favorite bar. The drink prices weren't bad either ;) I walked into the bar and glanced around nervously, praying that I would be able to recognize him. So far everyone in my area was anything but attractive. I decided to grab myself a Vodka and Diet coke (watching my weight for Miami lol) and began talking to the bar tender about the weather. All of a sudden a man taps my shoulder. "Are you ________ (fill in blank with urban cowboy) ?" I stammer as coolly as I can (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense). "That's me." He states and I sigh with a sign of relief because standing in front of me is a very attractive man : )
He's not manly like a stereotypical cowboy is, and he has such a cute boyish face and smile. However the flannel shirt he happens to be wearing increases his southern appearance. We sit in a booth and before I know it we have been talking for almost an hour and a half and the bar is beginning to fill up fast. He at first is shocked by my non-Fargo the movie- accent, and I am pleasantly surprised that he is very well read and literate. As we weed out our states stereotypes there is one that he falls into that sort of turns me on...he can shoot a gun! Let me clarify for all of you that yes I am against violence, but it has always been a dream of mine to be as bad ass as James Bond and Sydney Bristow (Alias). He even offered to take me to a range sometime! Yeeehaw!
As the bar became more and more busy we decided to head to another bar...we got as far as next door. The night got even more eventful as we ran into a few of Urban Cowboy's friends. Things were going great and before I knew it the bar was going into closing mode. He walked me to my car and we said our awkward goodbye's. It is always weird when your wondering if there will be a kiss, or a hug, or a handshake...we went with kiss. And of course being a southern gentlemen, he asked if he could first. :)
Now all of this seems great, but I wasn't lonely being alone. In fact I loved it. So now what do I do with a great, cute, and sweet cowboy, when I don't really want a man in the first place? Am I being ungrateful? Now that I have lassoed a Cowboy I am beginning to wonder is a cowboy is what I really wanted...or was I just hoping for a friend? I don't know if I am ready to let myself allow someone new into my life. We have plans tomorrow...yes V-day (desperation day). Part of me wants to run, but the other part wants to just relax and have fun.
We planned on meeting up at a bar called Lucky Lou's, which seems to be the favorite bar. The drink prices weren't bad either ;) I walked into the bar and glanced around nervously, praying that I would be able to recognize him. So far everyone in my area was anything but attractive. I decided to grab myself a Vodka and Diet coke (watching my weight for Miami lol) and began talking to the bar tender about the weather. All of a sudden a man taps my shoulder. "Are you ________ (fill in blank with urban cowboy) ?" I stammer as coolly as I can (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense). "That's me." He states and I sigh with a sign of relief because standing in front of me is a very attractive man : )
He's not manly like a stereotypical cowboy is, and he has such a cute boyish face and smile. However the flannel shirt he happens to be wearing increases his southern appearance. We sit in a booth and before I know it we have been talking for almost an hour and a half and the bar is beginning to fill up fast. He at first is shocked by my non-Fargo the movie- accent, and I am pleasantly surprised that he is very well read and literate. As we weed out our states stereotypes there is one that he falls into that sort of turns me on...he can shoot a gun! Let me clarify for all of you that yes I am against violence, but it has always been a dream of mine to be as bad ass as James Bond and Sydney Bristow (Alias). He even offered to take me to a range sometime! Yeeehaw!
As the bar became more and more busy we decided to head to another bar...we got as far as next door. The night got even more eventful as we ran into a few of Urban Cowboy's friends. Things were going great and before I knew it the bar was going into closing mode. He walked me to my car and we said our awkward goodbye's. It is always weird when your wondering if there will be a kiss, or a hug, or a handshake...we went with kiss. And of course being a southern gentlemen, he asked if he could first. :)
Now all of this seems great, but I wasn't lonely being alone. In fact I loved it. So now what do I do with a great, cute, and sweet cowboy, when I don't really want a man in the first place? Am I being ungrateful? Now that I have lassoed a Cowboy I am beginning to wonder is a cowboy is what I really wanted...or was I just hoping for a friend? I don't know if I am ready to let myself allow someone new into my life. We have plans tomorrow...yes V-day (desperation day). Part of me wants to run, but the other part wants to just relax and have fun.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Southern Support!
Hello bloggers!
So it's the weekend and what's a girl to do in a new place with no friends? Stay at home and watch "Glee" with mom? ..Already tried that. After about the fifth hour in my mom had to stop me and say it was time for bed. Bed??? at 11:20 P.M? But it's Friday, and I'm 23 years old! Oh God the horrors of having no social life. So in the spirit of so much down time I decided that it was time to improve. "Improve on what?" you might ask, but friends let me tell you that I intend on getting more followers! To do this however I need your help!
Some southern support is in order, so if you know anyone in the state of Texas, send them my way. I also intend on helping this cause by submitting myself to possible social humiliation and awkwardness by going out on my first in person OKCupid date in Dallas. I'm going down to Fry Street which apparently is the "go-to" place for UNT students.
In the other news I also am creating a page on face book. Please like it and I will promise to get you a juicy blog by Monday!
Lot's of Love from TX
Just Another Girl
So it's the weekend and what's a girl to do in a new place with no friends? Stay at home and watch "Glee" with mom? ..Already tried that. After about the fifth hour in my mom had to stop me and say it was time for bed. Bed??? at 11:20 P.M? But it's Friday, and I'm 23 years old! Oh God the horrors of having no social life. So in the spirit of so much down time I decided that it was time to improve. "Improve on what?" you might ask, but friends let me tell you that I intend on getting more followers! To do this however I need your help!
Some southern support is in order, so if you know anyone in the state of Texas, send them my way. I also intend on helping this cause by submitting myself to possible social humiliation and awkwardness by going out on my first in person OKCupid date in Dallas. I'm going down to Fry Street which apparently is the "go-to" place for UNT students.
In the other news I also am creating a page on face book. Please like it and I will promise to get you a juicy blog by Monday!
Lot's of Love from TX
Just Another Girl
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Making Myself At Home
Hey Ya'll!!!
Just Another girl here, reporting from the DFW Metroplex! Not too much has happened quite yet, but I have been busy at work trying to secure a job, workout, and make new friends. Already within three days I have a serving job at a restaurant and a job as a receptionist at a sales office. Maybe I can meet my very own Jim at my grown up office job!
Though my life has been busy and rapidly changing, I feel as though the fun is just about to begin. Right now my best friend here in Dallas seems to be my cat. Hopefully once I start work I can meet some new people to show me the ropes around this place. I could definitely use some directions.
As for back home, Tiger Lily seems to have stumbled into a relationship limbo. In my opinion this is worse than being single or taken. It's that awkward stage where your not in a relationship, but you aren't really single either. To make matters more complicated Miami is coming up soon which of course means another unavoidable encounter with Mr. Miami himself. What is a girl to do?
Mr. Miami on the one hand has the looks, the tickets to Ultra Music Festival, and the sex skills that would blow your mind (well judging by what Tiger Lily has told me), but The Friend isn't temporary, has the looks, and can rock it too. Though Miami may be just a short term vacation, is he worth losing The Friend over? Technically The Friend and Tiger Lily aren't official and have not had the "are we exclusive" talk, so is sleeping in (with) Miami really that wrong? I sense a Loop Hole that could be utilized, however...my advice has a few possible consequences. It also doesn't help that Miami and The Friend know one another from their hometown. Any advice for Tiger Lily?
until next time,
Just Another Girl.
Just Another girl here, reporting from the DFW Metroplex! Not too much has happened quite yet, but I have been busy at work trying to secure a job, workout, and make new friends. Already within three days I have a serving job at a restaurant and a job as a receptionist at a sales office. Maybe I can meet my very own Jim at my grown up office job!
Though my life has been busy and rapidly changing, I feel as though the fun is just about to begin. Right now my best friend here in Dallas seems to be my cat. Hopefully once I start work I can meet some new people to show me the ropes around this place. I could definitely use some directions.
As for back home, Tiger Lily seems to have stumbled into a relationship limbo. In my opinion this is worse than being single or taken. It's that awkward stage where your not in a relationship, but you aren't really single either. To make matters more complicated Miami is coming up soon which of course means another unavoidable encounter with Mr. Miami himself. What is a girl to do?
Mr. Miami on the one hand has the looks, the tickets to Ultra Music Festival, and the sex skills that would blow your mind (well judging by what Tiger Lily has told me), but The Friend isn't temporary, has the looks, and can rock it too. Though Miami may be just a short term vacation, is he worth losing The Friend over? Technically The Friend and Tiger Lily aren't official and have not had the "are we exclusive" talk, so is sleeping in (with) Miami really that wrong? I sense a Loop Hole that could be utilized, however...my advice has a few possible consequences. It also doesn't help that Miami and The Friend know one another from their hometown. Any advice for Tiger Lily?
until next time,
Just Another Girl.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The Time Has Come!!!
Well everyone the time has come!!! This weekend I am moving to warm and sunny Dallas, Texas!
Though this week may be slow on the blog posts stay tuned for my new updates from my new location!
Also it seems as though Tiger Lily's "Friend" wants a little something more than just the title of Friends With Benefits... So much for simple.
Until Next Time,
Just Another Girl (In Dallas)
To entertain you here are some awesome YouTube Videos I thoroughly enjoy!
The wonderful Jenna Marbles.
This lady cracks me up!!
Shit nobody says..
way better than the other videos. :)
Also it seems as though Tiger Lily's "Friend" wants a little something more than just the title of Friends With Benefits... So much for simple.
Until Next Time,
Just Another Girl (In Dallas)
To entertain you here are some awesome YouTube Videos I thoroughly enjoy!
The wonderful Jenna Marbles.
This lady cracks me up!!
Shit nobody says..
way better than the other videos. :)
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