As I lay in my bed my conscience is nagging at me, which is preventing me from drifting off into dreamland. It has been one of those weeks. One of those weeks in which I feel I should be quarantined from my social life and forced to live in solitude. At least all the ladies should have an inkling of what I am going through. I practically cried over an episode of "Charmed". If you think that is bad it just gets worse. I was unable to avoid social interactions this week due to Madison's Birthday, which was fun by the way, but I was a hot mess of mood swings. One minute I'm the happy energetic girl and then the next minute I am crying in Mary Jane's kitchen because I was mad that the cab driver called me drunk (which I was) and I took offense to that. Not to mention earlier in the night when my hair wouldn't curl right and I debated just calling it quits right there.
So, this is my apology to Mr. Cab driver.
Dear Mr. Cab Driver,
Thank you for delivering me and Mary Jane safely home after a night of drinking and bad eighties hair and music. I apologize for my sudden out burst when you were clearly stating the obvious, that I was indeed inebriated. Also I apologize for being a snobby customer and threatening to not tip you. I hope you and Mary Jane got a good laugh out of me and my drunken temper tantrum. If it helps, my night was spent on an uncomfortably small couch and I suffered back pains all day. Look to this as my Karma perhaps?
Just Another Crying Drunk Girl.
P.S. Alcohol and PMS do not mix.
Sometimes I can be such a baby.
Breakups,Makeups,and Hookups. You Name it, I've got you covered. Exploring the thrilling and awkward world of dating in the Twin Cities and now in Dallas!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
"I Know it's Wrong, Hanging on too Long"
Wow- I think wow is the only word that describes last night. I am filled with utter relief, yet sadness. I went over to The White Knights Castle once more to watch some Netflix and catch up on each other's lives. But lately every time we speak I feel like I'm dueling with him over who is right and who is wrong. I feel as though he bombards me with thousands of questions and that my efforts are never good enough. Finally I snapped and decided to confront him about his infuriating ways. "Why can't we just get along" I yelled, until I broke out into sobs exclaiming that I was "exhausted of fighting". I was also frustrated that I couldn't have a serious conversation with the Knight without his roomie, the therapist, stepping in and lending his unasked for opinion on our relationship. I was very proud of the Knight when he finally stood up for me and told the Therapist to stay out of it.
The Knight begged me to stay and sleep "nothing sexual" he added. By this point it was 1:30 am and I was too exhausted emotionally and physically to say no. We laid in bed holding each other, just clinging for something to hold on to. We were wrapped up in each other so tight, just praying that we could put the pieces back together. Super glue us back together possibly, but once severed you can't glue or sew a torn relationship back together. He then began kissing me and I tried to just sway him to go to bed and just enjoy us laying together. However the Knight would not be swayed. He suddenly stopped and asked "Are you not sexually attracted to me anymore?". I paused, trying to think of a way to tread around this answer carefully, but there was no use. "I am attracted to you and physically and sexually everything feels fine, but you know me______, I can't have sex or anything when there isn't emotional tied into it. " I blurted out. He instantly pulled away and rolled over. "You don't feel anything anymore?" he whispered. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I nodded my head, that the romantic feelings has begun to fade. "I don't want to hurt you, but I am falling out of love/like for you." I whispered back. This surprised him. He rolled over and held me even tighter now. He didn't ask for me back. He didn't protest his love, but his silence and his touch said more than words ever could.
We made love for possibly the last time. He wanted me to give him the honor of one last time, but I didn't want this to be an act of pity. He was clinging so desperate to me and my heart broke all over again. It's amazing what the heart can stand. We fell asleep and I couldn't help feeling relieved that I had finally said the words that had been plaguing my mind for so many weeks, but at the same time I don't know if I'm quite ready to dead bolt the door shut quite yet. Maybe some day, if the stars align again (corny, I know) the White Knight and I could make it work. But for now, it is time to start letting go. Change is so frightening.
The Knight begged me to stay and sleep "nothing sexual" he added. By this point it was 1:30 am and I was too exhausted emotionally and physically to say no. We laid in bed holding each other, just clinging for something to hold on to. We were wrapped up in each other so tight, just praying that we could put the pieces back together. Super glue us back together possibly, but once severed you can't glue or sew a torn relationship back together. He then began kissing me and I tried to just sway him to go to bed and just enjoy us laying together. However the Knight would not be swayed. He suddenly stopped and asked "Are you not sexually attracted to me anymore?". I paused, trying to think of a way to tread around this answer carefully, but there was no use. "I am attracted to you and physically and sexually everything feels fine, but you know me______, I can't have sex or anything when there isn't emotional tied into it. " I blurted out. He instantly pulled away and rolled over. "You don't feel anything anymore?" he whispered. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I nodded my head, that the romantic feelings has begun to fade. "I don't want to hurt you, but I am falling out of love/like for you." I whispered back. This surprised him. He rolled over and held me even tighter now. He didn't ask for me back. He didn't protest his love, but his silence and his touch said more than words ever could.
We made love for possibly the last time. He wanted me to give him the honor of one last time, but I didn't want this to be an act of pity. He was clinging so desperate to me and my heart broke all over again. It's amazing what the heart can stand. We fell asleep and I couldn't help feeling relieved that I had finally said the words that had been plaguing my mind for so many weeks, but at the same time I don't know if I'm quite ready to dead bolt the door shut quite yet. Maybe some day, if the stars align again (corny, I know) the White Knight and I could make it work. But for now, it is time to start letting go. Change is so frightening.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Hot for a Hipster??
My oh my, have I got a thing for a new boy in my life. Well not so much new, but finally after months of finding him attractive and seeing him at parties, I finally made my move. He is the one, if you remember, that flaked on me last week. (view strange encounters) Well, he finally followed through and we went out for a late night bite to eat at The Herkimer. I think he was a tad bit nervous, or at least not used to actually going out on dates, because he invited his roomie along to act as a buffer. After an hour or so on our date his roommate made his exit and allowed us to be alone. Nothing happened, but it was nice to finally be alone with the hipster and get to know him in a more sober setting.
I don't know if I would say he is relationship material, but he is certainly delicious and nice to look at. He is older than me, has a good job, seems to have a good sense of who he is, and has a good group of friends. I'm really attracted to him, even if it does end up being just a fling. I'm not about to cut him out of the running for a relationship, but I figure if something happens sweet, if not that's cool too. I don't want to feel like its work and I think he feels the exact same way.
Our "formal" date happened on Thursday, but I did get to see him over the weekend as well. I decided that all work and no play was making me a very dull girl. Of course if you're looking for an adventurous night out there is absolutely one person you have to call...Tiger Lily. She happened to want to meet up with a boy she had met a few weeks ago, so we decided to scratch each other's backs. We ended up meeting her beau first who was pretty cute, however he had his buddy along who apparently had a girlfriend and quite frankly I had hipster on my brain. After convincing the boys to tag along down town so I could meet my hipster we finally made it to Brothers. Tiger Lily found it very funny to match me up with the biggest Bro I had ever seen. To describe this bro for you, I would say he was a mixture between Vanilla Ice and the fist pumping Jersey Shore gang. I begrudgingly danced with him to LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem (Can we get any more cliche?) and sucked down my vodka cran as quick as I could. "Oops, looks like I need a refill" was my exit line and I booked it out of there to find and kill Tiger Lily for her scheming ways.
Finally 1:30 am rolled around and the chance of meeting up with the hipster was looking bleak. Finally my phone got a text from him stating that him and his friends were just down the street at First ave. We made it there relatively quick, however Tiger Lily decided with her heels and dress, a cab was necessary. Her beau was eager to please and shelled out the ridiculous cab fair of five dollars for one city block. It was an interesting night full of cab drivers, one guy even entertained us by showing us pictures of his wife and chastising Tiger Lilly and me for even trying to flirt our way out of a cab fare.
We finally found the hipster (which wasn't too hard considering he is very tall) and all of a sudden I was shy. Vivacious and liquid courage me had disappeared. I decided it was time for me to regroup and catch a breath in the bathroom. He offered to take me upstairs and show me where it was. When exiting I noticed that he was waiting for me. He lightly guided my body towards his and put his arm around me. I took this to be a good sign and slowly began to build up my confidence once more. The bar was beginning to shut down and this was my last chance to make contact with the hipster. We were outside by this time and we were getting prepared to head home. He was holding my hand and about to give me a good bye hug when suddenly I had the balls to say "Don't I get a goodnight kiss?". He laughed and gave me a quick peck on the lips and invited Tiger Lily and I back to his place. With permission from Tiger Lily, we were off. Luckily he lives only 3 or 4 blocks from my place.
We didn't do much else than kiss, but it was a good night. I walked home with Tiger lily in the wee hours of the morning and that my friends is a whole other blog, so for now...
Until Next Time,
Just Another Girl
P.s. Enjoy hipster Alice!
I don't know if I would say he is relationship material, but he is certainly delicious and nice to look at. He is older than me, has a good job, seems to have a good sense of who he is, and has a good group of friends. I'm really attracted to him, even if it does end up being just a fling. I'm not about to cut him out of the running for a relationship, but I figure if something happens sweet, if not that's cool too. I don't want to feel like its work and I think he feels the exact same way.
Our "formal" date happened on Thursday, but I did get to see him over the weekend as well. I decided that all work and no play was making me a very dull girl. Of course if you're looking for an adventurous night out there is absolutely one person you have to call...Tiger Lily. She happened to want to meet up with a boy she had met a few weeks ago, so we decided to scratch each other's backs. We ended up meeting her beau first who was pretty cute, however he had his buddy along who apparently had a girlfriend and quite frankly I had hipster on my brain. After convincing the boys to tag along down town so I could meet my hipster we finally made it to Brothers. Tiger Lily found it very funny to match me up with the biggest Bro I had ever seen. To describe this bro for you, I would say he was a mixture between Vanilla Ice and the fist pumping Jersey Shore gang. I begrudgingly danced with him to LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem (Can we get any more cliche?) and sucked down my vodka cran as quick as I could. "Oops, looks like I need a refill" was my exit line and I booked it out of there to find and kill Tiger Lily for her scheming ways.
Finally 1:30 am rolled around and the chance of meeting up with the hipster was looking bleak. Finally my phone got a text from him stating that him and his friends were just down the street at First ave. We made it there relatively quick, however Tiger Lily decided with her heels and dress, a cab was necessary. Her beau was eager to please and shelled out the ridiculous cab fair of five dollars for one city block. It was an interesting night full of cab drivers, one guy even entertained us by showing us pictures of his wife and chastising Tiger Lilly and me for even trying to flirt our way out of a cab fare.
We finally found the hipster (which wasn't too hard considering he is very tall) and all of a sudden I was shy. Vivacious and liquid courage me had disappeared. I decided it was time for me to regroup and catch a breath in the bathroom. He offered to take me upstairs and show me where it was. When exiting I noticed that he was waiting for me. He lightly guided my body towards his and put his arm around me. I took this to be a good sign and slowly began to build up my confidence once more. The bar was beginning to shut down and this was my last chance to make contact with the hipster. We were outside by this time and we were getting prepared to head home. He was holding my hand and about to give me a good bye hug when suddenly I had the balls to say "Don't I get a goodnight kiss?". He laughed and gave me a quick peck on the lips and invited Tiger Lily and I back to his place. With permission from Tiger Lily, we were off. Luckily he lives only 3 or 4 blocks from my place.
We didn't do much else than kiss, but it was a good night. I walked home with Tiger lily in the wee hours of the morning and that my friends is a whole other blog, so for now...
Until Next Time,
Just Another Girl
P.s. Enjoy hipster Alice!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Other Woman?
I decided that today we would take a break from me and focus on my close friend Tiger Lily. One thing that you learn as you move through life is the disappointing fact that life is not fair. Many times we are placed in situations and circumstances that we didn't exactly ask for, but never the less we are forced to deal with what we have been given. Last weekend Tiger Lily found herself in one of these situations, and even though I have known for a long time that life is unfair, it never ceases to slap me across the face.
Tiger Lily got herself in a sticky situation that she did not ask for. It began one night when she went out with one of her good friend's boyfriend. They had hung out before with out the friend and their relationship was strictly platonic. However after a few drinks the guy began to say things he probably shouldn't and bathe Tiger Lily with compliments. It's one of those situations where you know something is a bit off, but you keep hoping that maybe you are just over reacting and being paranoid. After all how could your best friend's boyfriend be hitting on you? They began to walk home from the concert they were at, and slowly but surely he made his move. Clearly there were steps that could have been avoided, but never the less he planted a kiss, and drunkenly she kissed him back. Moments later she pushed him off of her realizing that this was her friend's boyfriend. This was not supposed to happen. This break of trust led her to run away in which he followed her and managed to calm Tiger Lily down. But things progressed on his end as he kept pushing himself on her (not physically, but in his manner of speaking and a brief and sad attempt at getting something more to happen). He began trying to talk to Tiger Lily about sex and how beautiful she was, clearly not topics a guy with a girlfriend should be talking about. Tiger Lily then went home upset and confused at the events that had taken place.
So since I have already had an article on cheating and cheaters, what about when you get stuck in the middle? Does this make you a bad person? Is it fair that a person's stupid actions can lead to you losing your reputation and possibly a close friend? Does "Don't kill the messenger" work in this situation? The tricky thing here is wondering where do you go after this transgression has occurred? Do you tell your friend? In my opinion, yes.
The boyfriend was selfish to place his needs above his loyalty to your friend. She needs to know. She may be mad at you at first, but if you really care about someone, sometimes we have to make sacrifices to protect those we love. It hurts and it seems unfair, but that's life.
I love you Tiger Lily. Stay strong. I know that you are not the only one who has been thrown into this kind of situation. You're not a bad person and someday your friend will thank you for telling the truth. Just have faith.
Tiger Lily got herself in a sticky situation that she did not ask for. It began one night when she went out with one of her good friend's boyfriend. They had hung out before with out the friend and their relationship was strictly platonic. However after a few drinks the guy began to say things he probably shouldn't and bathe Tiger Lily with compliments. It's one of those situations where you know something is a bit off, but you keep hoping that maybe you are just over reacting and being paranoid. After all how could your best friend's boyfriend be hitting on you? They began to walk home from the concert they were at, and slowly but surely he made his move. Clearly there were steps that could have been avoided, but never the less he planted a kiss, and drunkenly she kissed him back. Moments later she pushed him off of her realizing that this was her friend's boyfriend. This was not supposed to happen. This break of trust led her to run away in which he followed her and managed to calm Tiger Lily down. But things progressed on his end as he kept pushing himself on her (not physically, but in his manner of speaking and a brief and sad attempt at getting something more to happen). He began trying to talk to Tiger Lily about sex and how beautiful she was, clearly not topics a guy with a girlfriend should be talking about. Tiger Lily then went home upset and confused at the events that had taken place.
So since I have already had an article on cheating and cheaters, what about when you get stuck in the middle? Does this make you a bad person? Is it fair that a person's stupid actions can lead to you losing your reputation and possibly a close friend? Does "Don't kill the messenger" work in this situation? The tricky thing here is wondering where do you go after this transgression has occurred? Do you tell your friend? In my opinion, yes.
The boyfriend was selfish to place his needs above his loyalty to your friend. She needs to know. She may be mad at you at first, but if you really care about someone, sometimes we have to make sacrifices to protect those we love. It hurts and it seems unfair, but that's life.
I love you Tiger Lily. Stay strong. I know that you are not the only one who has been thrown into this kind of situation. You're not a bad person and someday your friend will thank you for telling the truth. Just have faith.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Am I Better Off Alone?
So if you have been reading my blogs, I'm sure you can tell that I have been under a lot of stress lately. Free time seems to be a thing of the past and lately the dates that I have made time for seem more like work and research than anything else. Maybe this is the consequence of making dating you're job.
With all of the unsuccessful dates and almost dates, I am beginning to wonder if I am better off alone. Dating shouldn't be this hard. Finding a connection both physically and mentally shouldn't be the end goal to my life right? But then again isn't love what we are destined for? However if this theory of the meaning of life is right, how do we account for the many life long bachelors? Am I putting too much emphasis on finding the right man? Am I too picky? Do I think I'm ready, but as long as I keep running back for comfort from the White Knight after every wrong turn on the dating path, I can never truly open up my heart? Most pressing of all these questions is WHAT IS THE POINT?
I have a confession to make that I have been trying to deny for some time now. My time here in Minneapolis is short lived. Financially, once school ends for me and the government and my parents cut me off, I have no other choice than to leave the city. I feel like any relationship that I could get into here has an expiration date. How can I fall for a terminal love? I'm not looking to get hurt or hurt someone else, and at the same time I am not looking for casual sex. I want more, but my time is running out.
About 3 months left and it breaks my heart. I don't want to leave. I am petrified. It's this strange in between of the reality of growing up. Saying good bye to past loves and friends. Good bye to child hood memories and my crazy college years. It is the kiss of death and the dead bolt to anything I could or can have with the white knight. Maybe it's time I started to push away. Instead of opening my heart to others, I think it could be time to start closing doors and accepting that this is a new slate where my past need not follow. Pull back little by little the feelings of attachment to this city, so that I can finally be ready to break free.
With all of the unsuccessful dates and almost dates, I am beginning to wonder if I am better off alone. Dating shouldn't be this hard. Finding a connection both physically and mentally shouldn't be the end goal to my life right? But then again isn't love what we are destined for? However if this theory of the meaning of life is right, how do we account for the many life long bachelors? Am I putting too much emphasis on finding the right man? Am I too picky? Do I think I'm ready, but as long as I keep running back for comfort from the White Knight after every wrong turn on the dating path, I can never truly open up my heart? Most pressing of all these questions is WHAT IS THE POINT?
I have a confession to make that I have been trying to deny for some time now. My time here in Minneapolis is short lived. Financially, once school ends for me and the government and my parents cut me off, I have no other choice than to leave the city. I feel like any relationship that I could get into here has an expiration date. How can I fall for a terminal love? I'm not looking to get hurt or hurt someone else, and at the same time I am not looking for casual sex. I want more, but my time is running out.
About 3 months left and it breaks my heart. I don't want to leave. I am petrified. It's this strange in between of the reality of growing up. Saying good bye to past loves and friends. Good bye to child hood memories and my crazy college years. It is the kiss of death and the dead bolt to anything I could or can have with the white knight. Maybe it's time I started to push away. Instead of opening my heart to others, I think it could be time to start closing doors and accepting that this is a new slate where my past need not follow. Pull back little by little the feelings of attachment to this city, so that I can finally be ready to break free.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Strange Encounters
A week of hell has finally passed by me and this week looks much more promising.
My love life has been put on the back burner, so this weeks catch up will be much shorter than usual.
1. I was flaked on by probably the only "hipster" I would ever let any where near my panties. His loss. The White Knight took full advantage of his lost opportunity, and honestly I don't feel too bad about it.
2. While watching the Vikings game at a sports bar in uptown with Madison, I was spotted! This was a strange encounter. One of the men that I had been talking to from OKcupid recognized me. It was very awkward and I am very glad to have not accepted his date.
Tonight I will be posting a new topic, so stay tuned : )
My love life has been put on the back burner, so this weeks catch up will be much shorter than usual.
1. I was flaked on by probably the only "hipster" I would ever let any where near my panties. His loss. The White Knight took full advantage of his lost opportunity, and honestly I don't feel too bad about it.
2. While watching the Vikings game at a sports bar in uptown with Madison, I was spotted! This was a strange encounter. One of the men that I had been talking to from OKcupid recognized me. It was very awkward and I am very glad to have not accepted his date.
Tonight I will be posting a new topic, so stay tuned : )
Thursday, October 13, 2011
First of all I am sorry about the lack of postings this week. My life has been buried under homework, work, and midterms. However a lot has taken place over the course of a few days.
3. I keep having these weird sexual dreams with women...I don't think that these are signs that I am Bi and or a lesbian, but it is interesting to think that they have something to do with me being frustrated with men. Perhaps I should debunk this sign and try swinging the other way. I wouldn't mind a date with a woman, maybe it could bring me clarity as to what is really going on in my love life.
1. I went out on a date with a man I am naming the intellectual. He is a bit of a nerd, but he is completely what I have been looking for mentally in a man. We talked for hours over sushi about traveling, literature, movies, and even philosophers. The only problem is that though he satisfies me mentally, the physical chemistry is missing. I am sad that my mind can only think of him as a friend. Maybe that could change, considering he is the most normal guy when it comes to dating that I have encountered in a long time. He even asked me point blank where I thought this could go, and then didn't lose his cool when I broke it to him that I only saw friendship.
2. Rx I have decided is truly crazy and not worth my time. He demanded my time and when I broke the news that I wasn't looking for a serious relationship, jumped to the conclusion that I only wanted sex. Of course he was totally cool with this idea. I on the other hand am not. When I say that I don't want a serious relationship it does not mean that I want a fuck buddy. I would just like to go on a few dates, get to know a person, possibly get physical if all goes well, and see where it leads. I don't have the time to commit spending a certain number of hours with someone and dealing with all of the baggage. I have my own problems to deal with. He decided I was not worth spending money on if there wasn't a guarantee for sex, so buh-bye Rx. Take care.
Well that is all for now considering the time is ticking and I still have to finish this book in my hand.
Until Next Time,
Just Another Girl
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Dirty Little Secrets
Back in grade school I once heard the saying "Secrets, secrets, are no fun, secrets, secrets hurt someone." How true that phrase was. Secrets never stay buried for long, they either come out right away or slowly over time begin to destroy and penetrate their keepers from the inside out. In one way or another every action has its consequence and we are all victims of the aftermath of our decisions.
I think my mother taught me well, when at the tender age of nine I began watching daytime soaps. Not only did I get to witness some horrible writing and a few cases of bad acting, but I got to learn that every secret, no matter how small, would eventually come and bite you in the ass. Soap operas may be dramatic and unrealistic, but they certainly got one thing right and for that I am thankful. They definitely put the fear of God in me to never tell a lie.
There is always one secret that plagues so many relationships and has ended in so many of loves demises for centuries upon centuries, cheating.
We all know it's wrong of course, but yet the temptation of it still manages to ensnare so many of us. It's a tricky subject full of questions such as; what qualifies as cheating, what justifies it, and what are the reasons for the cheating to happen in the first place? Being someone who has been cheated on and possibly someone who has been guilty of emotional cheating, here is how I see it:
Cheating is not right in any way, shape, or form! There is no excuse what so ever. The claim that he or she cheated on you first does not apply or justify, so please save that argument for someone else. Cheating is any emotional or physical transgression with another person other than your partner who you have voluntarily committed yourself to. If temptation is knocking at your door then there is something wrong with the relationship you are in and you have one of two responsible choices. 1. You express your problems and discuss them with your partner. Confronting the problem head on instead of looking for someone else to fix it for you. This is a difficult choice, but its the mature one that can hopefully save your relationship and or help you both realize that it's not working without causing any other harm. 2.If you are positive that this cannot be fixed and or have no real desire to fix it, just end it now. You are being completely selfish by wasting that persons time if you don't feel the same way. Besides the other person, you are wasting your time as well, simply for the fact that you are too scared of being alone and having an uncomfortable talk.
So that explains how I feel about what to do if the you get the itch to cheat, but what about once the act has already been committed? As stated above, secrets are impossible to keep forever. No, you cannot sweep things under the rug and hope that they never see the light of day. Life does not work that way. It may be a temporary fix, but the problem will only get worse if you do not confront it head on. When dating my first real boyfriend The Teacher, it took me an entire year to find out the truth. Time didn't make his infidelity any less painful, in fact it made me trust him even less. How could I ever see a future with someone who could so easily deceive me as he did? How could I trust someone who so easily lied to my face for an entire year? Yes cheating happens, but it doesn't have to mean the end in all cases. If my boyfriend would have been honest with me when the cheating had happened, I can't lie and say I wouldn't be heartbroken, hell I may have still said I never wanted to date him again, but I would have had a lot more respect for his character and may not have slammed and bolted the door so tightly on the possibility of something more in the future. Since then I have forgiven him for what happened and part of me can understand why he did what he did, but I will never understand how and why he hid it for so long and why he kept me around. And for that part of his character I can't forgive.
This blog post is not meant to be a dig at cheaters, more of a wake up call for both parties. Cheating does not make you a bad person. Everyone makes mistakes, even me. So here is my confession, while at the end of The White Knight's and my relationship I pushed and toed the line of emotional cheating. I wasn't getting the attention that I needed from the Knight, we were fighting all the time, and sexually we were at a plateau. Instead of sitting him down and sharing this growing need for his affection I began searching for it in others. I toyed with the ideas that maybe the men who were paying attention to me would be a better fit. Finally, our relationship began to come to a screeching halt after the moment when I decided to finally confront the Knight about my concerns and he shrugged them off and went into ignore mode. We gave up. I gave up first because I didn't want to ruffle any feathers and then he gave up trying to make the relationship work. I never physically cheated, but that period in which I began to invest parts of myself with other people, other than my white knight, began constructing one of the many walls between him and I. Wall after wall was built to protect ourselves from getting hurt, until finally we were both left alone and angry. No one wins. It's good to be careful in love, but there is a point in which we are only isolating ourselves. The struggle for power and the game of who cares less in a relationship is counterproductive because in the end what did you really gain? Congrats! You proved that you have control and the final say, but it doesn't mean much when you lose everything else.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Bad Omen...
So judging by my last few blogs I decided it was time for a much needed vacation. The closest thing I could afford was a trip to The White Knight's Castle. I was in for a fun night just the two of us and a big bottle of liquor, but when I finally arrived I was surprised to find out that we were not alone. My therapist (aka the roommate and my gay boo) was there with a wonderful pot of pasta ready and waiting for me. Things were going smoothly and I was already three or four cocktails in, when we decided to go to the local dive bar 331. It was Katy Perry night and I was dying to relive my once "Teenage Dream". What I should have realized was how much the white knight had consumed over the past few hours. We arrived at 331 and went to the back patio in hopes of enjoying one of the few precious last warm nights of fall.
Here is where things began to get heated. I cannot recall what exactly set him off other than it was a conversation about how everyone can be a bit self absorbed from time to time. The White Knight in his drunken stupor decided to boldly declare that he was innocent of being self absorbed. I guess I should have just kept my big mouth shut right then and there, but I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my mouth. This began to open a whole can of worms and an uncomfortable discussion ensued that was anything but relaxing. Bye bye vacation for me. He insisted on specific examples and would not rest until we gave him proof that he could be self absorbed. I tried to be nice and keep it vague, but that wasn't enough for him. Finally filled with frustration I let it all out. Everything that had annoyed me about his selfishness while we were dating that still persisted even now. Such as the fact that he never tried to meet me half way and hang out with my friends or come over to my apartment, the fact that he could never make certain plans in advance just in case something better would come along, and etc. My therapist was all in agreement up till now, but as soon as I let these thoughts out into the open he decided to chime in with "That sounds a little like a relationship". RELATIONSHIP! Excuse me? I am not the only one who keeps putting the elements of a relationship into the knight's and my friendship. But yes of course because I am the girl, my wants and needs get chalked up to me wanting a relationship. Right then I decided this was enough and stormed out stating that I was looking for no strings, but clearly I can't voice my mind without the word relationship coming into play and everything just going from easy to complicated. A few minutes later both of the boys came back into the bar with their tails between their legs. The Knight kissed my neck and apologized for hounding me with questions and not listening to me when I provided him answers. He asked me to dance and I decided to drop the fight for now. Though as we danced to the cover band the word "Relationship" loomed over me.
On our walk home I walked silently hand in hand with the knight. He inquired to what was on my mind and was I still mad about our fight. I simply stated that it didn't matter anymore and that I was fine. He again persisted in asking me to tell him what was on my mind. After question after question and promising me that he wouldn't be angry and that he wanted to know, I finally gave in. By this point we were at home and cuddling in bed. I rolled over to face him and whispered "Are we really just friends? Is that all that this is?". He paused for a moment and attempted to stammer out a reply, just as I thought he was about to answer my question, he violently got up and ran to the bathroom to puke his guts out for the next half an hour. I rolled over, closed my eyes, and decided this was a bad omen. A very bad omen.
Here is where things began to get heated. I cannot recall what exactly set him off other than it was a conversation about how everyone can be a bit self absorbed from time to time. The White Knight in his drunken stupor decided to boldly declare that he was innocent of being self absorbed. I guess I should have just kept my big mouth shut right then and there, but I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my mouth. This began to open a whole can of worms and an uncomfortable discussion ensued that was anything but relaxing. Bye bye vacation for me. He insisted on specific examples and would not rest until we gave him proof that he could be self absorbed. I tried to be nice and keep it vague, but that wasn't enough for him. Finally filled with frustration I let it all out. Everything that had annoyed me about his selfishness while we were dating that still persisted even now. Such as the fact that he never tried to meet me half way and hang out with my friends or come over to my apartment, the fact that he could never make certain plans in advance just in case something better would come along, and etc. My therapist was all in agreement up till now, but as soon as I let these thoughts out into the open he decided to chime in with "That sounds a little like a relationship". RELATIONSHIP! Excuse me? I am not the only one who keeps putting the elements of a relationship into the knight's and my friendship. But yes of course because I am the girl, my wants and needs get chalked up to me wanting a relationship. Right then I decided this was enough and stormed out stating that I was looking for no strings, but clearly I can't voice my mind without the word relationship coming into play and everything just going from easy to complicated. A few minutes later both of the boys came back into the bar with their tails between their legs. The Knight kissed my neck and apologized for hounding me with questions and not listening to me when I provided him answers. He asked me to dance and I decided to drop the fight for now. Though as we danced to the cover band the word "Relationship" loomed over me.
On our walk home I walked silently hand in hand with the knight. He inquired to what was on my mind and was I still mad about our fight. I simply stated that it didn't matter anymore and that I was fine. He again persisted in asking me to tell him what was on my mind. After question after question and promising me that he wouldn't be angry and that he wanted to know, I finally gave in. By this point we were at home and cuddling in bed. I rolled over to face him and whispered "Are we really just friends? Is that all that this is?". He paused for a moment and attempted to stammer out a reply, just as I thought he was about to answer my question, he violently got up and ran to the bathroom to puke his guts out for the next half an hour. I rolled over, closed my eyes, and decided this was a bad omen. A very bad omen.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Everyone Wants a Piece
Alright I'm here to yell "STOP".
The whole world wants a piece of me and I'm pretty much out of me to share. I am spread so thin at the moment that I am having a hard time finding time for myself. So to save time for both you and me I have decided to recap these past few days in an easy to read format. Yay, for efficiency!
So my weekend started out with a quiet bang when I met Mr. Spielberg for drinks in uptown. He was a gentlemen and very sweet. There was nothing wrong with him and we had a great time, but I think here is where the story ends. There were no sparks and I don't think that he is quite what I am looking for. He was a little bit younger than me and pursuing film, but I think I am looking for someone a bit more experienced in the world.
Friday and Saturday:
I hardly remember the weekend and it definitely wasn't for fun reasons. The weekend is a blur of work, my feet still haven't recovered from working in the restaurant all day.
On Sunday night I paid a visit to The White Knight. It was a relaxing end to my weekend spending the night curled up on the couch watching Netflix. There isn't any fireworks with us any longer and I am still holding true to the belief that I am over him. But these past few weeks have been so nice I almost wish it could work out between us. I know he is most likely acting the part as my security blanket and unfortunately for me to fully move on and grow up he must be torn from my arms, but for now with my life being as busy as it is, he is just want I need.
And now we have come to today. Over the entirety of this weekend I have kept in contact with my potential daters especially Rx the pharmacist. Though, after today I am this close to just telling them all of them to bug off and leave me alone. I received this lovely text from Rx this weekend "Why is that when girls meet a guy for the first time, they don't get together with them again right away? Ms. Relationship expert..." First of all tone down the sarcasm sir. I never ever said I was a relationship expert, in fact I'm just trying to figure this stuff out too(hence the blog...). Second of all Mr. Paranoia, I am a busy girl there is no reason other than that I am busy. Its as simple as that. I simply responded that I really was just busy and that I had a good time and would like to meet him again, but then he retorted that I'm just making up excuses and that if I really liked him I would have made time for him! EXCUSE ME??? We have met only once! No offense but this wasn't suppose to be serious and I have other things going on in my life other than making time for you.
Until Next Time,
Just Another Girl...
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