Friday, October 28, 2011

Apologies to a Cab Driver

As I lay in my bed my conscience is nagging at me, which is preventing me from drifting off into dreamland. It has been one of those weeks. One of those weeks in which I feel I should be quarantined from my social life and forced to live in solitude. At least all the ladies should have an inkling of what I am going through. I practically cried over an episode of "Charmed".   If you think that is bad it just gets worse. I was unable to avoid social interactions this week due to Madison's Birthday, which was fun by the way, but I was a hot mess of mood swings. One minute I'm the happy energetic girl and then the next minute I am crying in Mary Jane's kitchen because I was mad that the cab driver called me drunk (which I was) and I took offense to that. Not to mention earlier in the night when my hair wouldn't curl right and I debated just calling it quits right there.

So, this is my apology to Mr. Cab driver.

Dear Mr. Cab Driver,
Thank you for delivering me and Mary Jane safely home after a night of drinking and bad eighties hair and music. I apologize for my sudden out burst when you were clearly stating the obvious, that I was indeed inebriated. Also I apologize for being a snobby customer and threatening to not tip you. I hope you and Mary Jane got a good laugh out of me and my drunken temper tantrum. If it helps, my night was spent on an uncomfortably small couch and I suffered back pains all day. Look to this as my Karma perhaps?

Just Another Crying Drunk Girl.

P.S. Alcohol and PMS do not mix.

Sometimes I can be such a baby.

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