Monday, December 12, 2011

At What Cost?

Every relationship has its own unique breaking point. The point at which we have reached the end of our rope and can no longer endure any more bull shit, for lack of a better word. The moment in where we begin to accept the harsh reality that something in the relationship is clearly not working out. However this breaking point doesn't always happen when we think it should.

People can go weeks, months, and years waiting for that devastating crash into rock bottom that signifies the end of things, the end of patience, and the end of accepting a toxic relationship. We roll our eyes, make up excuses, and rant to anyone who will listen, long after all of our friends and family members have advised us to let go. Sadly as hard and as loud as our friends can be, none of that makes any difference until we are ready to accept the truth. Until then we are willing to put up with ANYTHING.

Now, I know that I have touched upon this topic before, the plain and simple fact that if enough of your friends, family members, and perfect strangers are telling you to get out, they are almost 99.9% right. Now the  more significant problem lies as to what time will we be able to be ready to listen and act upon the advice. Over the course of my brief dating history I have noticed a few patterns...

1. You can make up excuses for absolutely anything.
2.If you really want to believe it, you will believe anything.
3.It's usually not the big things that make or break a relationship, but rather the compiling of many little things that eventually become to big to ignore.
4. Somehow you will know when it's the "right" time, but the trick is to stick to your guns after you have made the decision.

My motto, if the bad parts outweigh the good, get the hell out. And almost always trust your good friends, rather than pushing them away. Nothing hurts more than watching a good friend go through an unhealthy relationship. So at what cost is being in a toxic relationship better than being single. Maybe you truly are better off least for the time being :)

1 comment:

  1. Your #2 hits home particularly... sometimes I look back and think, wtf? As in, why the f does my boyfriend of 6 months have a photo of a naked girl sitting on his bed on his camera date stamped last week? and why the f did I believe him when he ran around suspiciously and "explained" that his roommate must have been messing around in his room with a girl and used his camera to take a picture of it? And why did I stay with him for 2 years after that? So I think your list needs a #5... Learn from everything, and move forward positively. :)
