Saturday, December 3, 2011

Epic Rommance

So maybe my unhealthy need for drama is creeping in on my thoughts, but it has me thinking. Are the epic romances such as Edward and Bella, Chuck and Blair, and Romeo and Juliet really all that healthy? Shouldn't love be easy? More like marrying you best friend? However where is the fun and passion in that?

I have had two epic romances so far, but I was the one that made them just that. We fight, we break up, we make up, and we are back together again. So is this how "Love" is supposed to be? Or is it my own sick fantasy of drama and what TV and movies say is supposed to be undying love.  When break up's happen and doors close they are supposed to stay that way in hopes of healthier relationships finding their way into our lives. I'm gonna go with team Jacob on this one. Well.. until Chuck decides to sweep me off my feet.

More on this topic soon, I've got a party to get ready for : )

1 comment:

  1. Love is persevering through the fights and the problems. True love is staying with that person and working out the problems and making the relationship functional on a healthy level, because you love that person that much, and it goes both ways. I've read and learned that true love is not for everyone. We hold onto those epic romances in hopes of finding it for ourselves, but many of us will never find it. Instead people may value stability, finances, or independence. It's not for everyone. We all want to believe our parents have true love, but the reality is that many of them don't. Love is easy to find, but difficult to hold onto. Only if it's meant to be will it truly be worth it to stick out. And it won't be just you, it will be from the other just as much. Love is when you care more about the other than yourself, so you support them and put them first-but the trick is that they are doing the exact same for you. Love is trusting the other to never let you fall :)
