Tiger Lilly and The Spanish Sweetheart came over to my apartment for cocktails. For those of you that do not remember, the Spanish Sweetheart was the guy that was staying with Tiger Lilly while looking for a place to live in Minneapolis. He recently moved here from Puerto Rico. At first I thought he was this sweet guy just trying to meet people and get used to living in a different culture, but tuns out he is just a Spanish Ass. I don't know if it is the combination of both of our personalities that makes him hard for me to swallow or if he is truly just a jerk. Tiger Lilly brought him over and immediately all he did was whine and complain about absolutely everything. His bitching progressed so much to the point where I had a thirty minute debate with him over the validity of Gossip Girl. He was upset that it was playing on my TV whilst we sipped our wine. #1. My TV when I have people over is just for background noise rather that the focal point of the conversation. #2 It's my goddamn apartment and I can play whatever the hell I want. I simply told him that I enjoyed the show and that the fact that he didn't would not sway me from watching it. Clearly that wasn't enough for him however as he proceeded to keep making fun of it until finally I violently turned the TV off and told him to just pick a movie more suited to his liking. This outbreak of mine ruffled his feathers too much that he decided it would be best if he just left. I couldn't agree more. Is anyone else sick of this stupid debate centering around Gossip Girl, because I for one have never thought I could waste so much breath on such a ridiculous topic.
And here my friends is where the weekend took a turn for the weird and awful (as if the Gossip Girl fight wasn't enough). My Gay boo and I decided to visit Mary-Jane's house party, sadly the alcohol had caught up to her much too quickly by the time we got there. Moving on we decided to make use of the night and head towards Uptown to meet a few of his friends. We ran into our new group at Drink and well... proceeded to drink. As we stepped up to the bar our song came on the speakers. As the music blarred "Boom, Badoom,Boom Bass, He got that Super Bass" and I couldn't resist Nicki Minaj any longer. I started to dance with my friends when suddenly someone from behind me started grabbing my waist and pulling me down. I did my polite turn-away-no thanks I'm not interested-move and My Gay Boo (Let's call him my therapist from now on) stepped in and told the guy "Sorry buddy she's with me". The guy turned out to be around his late forties and in a wheel chair. I felt bad, but he was clearly inebriated and I honestly had no intention of dancing with him. He backed off after my therapist gave him the message thankfully. A few minutes passed and we were still at the bar trying to pay our bill when suddenly the man in the wheel chair decided to forcefully grab my ass. I turned around a little shocked at the brazen act that had just taken place. I calmly and politely turned down to the man and said "Can you please not do that. It's not okay to-" and as suddenly as before he grabbed my ass again! "Sir I will call security on you" I told him with a calm and collected manner, but just as the words left my mouth he grabbed the beer bottle he was drinking from and slapped me across the face with it. I backed away as fast as I could in shock and pain at what had just happened. I grabbed a bouncer and through my sobs tried to convey what had just happened. Sadly with the music too loud I couldn't deliver my message. Luckily for me one of the people in our group stepped in and exposed my attacker. I on the other hand went into the corner of the bar to cry and digest what was happening. Within seconds security had escorted the man out the door and I had no way of knowing his name or where he went.
Finally the best part of my four day weekend, The Minnesota State fair! One word: Beergarita. Probably the best drink the fair has to offer. Imagine this, Honey Weiss and Margarita. After many many beers and deep fried goodies, Tiger Lilly and I scored tickets to the Maroon 5 and Train concert!!! It was needless to say the best ending to my summer. Today however I began my final semester of school. The day was uneventful, though the semester holds a lot of promise ;)
Tomorrow night I am going on my first OK Cupid date!!! Wish me luck and pray to God he is not a creeper, or an old man who hits women with beer bottles lol.
Until next time,
Just Another Girl
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