Friday, September 9, 2011

Blind Date Followup

Internet dating, is it as much of a Taboo as I think it is? Why would a girl of 22 with full access to school, bars, and clubs stoop so low as to partake in the internet dating scene. As I mentioned before I decided to re-activate my account on OKCupid. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the site. OkCupid is geared more towards a younger crowd. It’s some what like face book, but focused more on romantic pursuits. Anyway there was a young gentleman who I had been talking to previously on line. I messaged him letting him know I was back on and to my surprise he asked if I would be interested in grabbing coffee or a drink, in which I replied “yes”. I think my response was even more shocking than him asking. Was I really agreeing to a blind internet date? Yup. 
          We decided to meet Wednesday at one of my favorite bars in the city, Psycho Suzies, after I had finished my Wednesday night lecture. I was so nervous and having one of those days where nothing in your closet fits or looks right. Fortunately the obligation of going to class pushed me out the door in time. The lecture was a blur and suddenly and hour later I was parking my car in the bar parking lot. Now what? Would I even know what he looks like? Does he look like his profile picture even? What if I just signed my death warrant and he is a creepy psychopath that lures girls into going for drinks and then follows them home and kills them in their beds!!!! Okay maybe I was being a bit dramatic. I made my way through the bar and into the back patio. There he was, all 6”6 feet of him. He was tall and certainly handsome. He wasn’t so scary after all in fact he was pretty damn inviting. After some tots and big tiki drinks we discussed our lives and aspirations. He was 26 years old and going back to school to get his masters, which was very attractive...

As I was writing this article at a local cafe the server who ended up being a total cutie stopped to talk to me. We talked about British history, literature, traveling through Europe. It was absolutely wonderful. It was exactly the intellectual conversation I was looking for. Mr. Server had blond hair and he was tall too. As he handed me my bill he whispered "And don't be afraid to leave your number". Annnnd I did. 

Mr. Server and I definitely have more in common than Mr. Blind Date. He is passionate about what he talks about and can hold a whole conversation about Tudor history! I'm not ruling Mr. Blind Date out just yet however because he has the stability and maturity I am looking for. Plus he is super cute. Oh boy I cannot wait for how this will all play out!

 Well Hello Gentlemen

In other news, I have a make up date with the Cowboy that stood me up the week before. We are going to watch some football and drink some beer. I think this date will be very interesting and if all else fails at least I'll have a cold Stella and football on the screen. 

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