Friday, September 16, 2011

Booze and Strippers, what more could a girl ask for?

Well I think my biggest accomplishment of the night was that I didn't make it into the "Drunk Mess" album on, however I did make a few interesting photos in some of the other albums ;)

The night was a smashing success. I had a cocktail or five and got to meet the entire morning show! I have been listening to them since I was just a kid. I remember my mom coming home one day after school and telling me that she ran into Dave Ryan at a bagel shop and she had won me a pair of KDWB boxers. I wore those boxers almost every night to sleep until they eventually fell apart. So up until last week that was the only thing I had ever "won". Booty Cruise of course was a much more mature prize. One I really wouldn't want to share with dear old mom, though I was surprised at some of the mom-daughter pairs that were on the boat. No offense but stuffing dollar bills into strippers thongs with my mom isn't my ideal night out. Maybe I'm a bit too old school, but sex isn't something me and my mom talk about, but rather a subject we avoid like the plague. Anyway I am sidetracking, back to the festivities.

I decided to take Madison (Tiger Lilly couldn't get off of work) and I felt that this was a smart decision being that she is a connoisseur in the male gender. So off we went to still water to hop on board the booty cruise express. The 1st floor was packed with an older generation of women, obviously waiting for their chance to have at the white Afro psychic, Gary Spivey. This level made me feel a bit over dressed as I passed by the women all bundled up in their jeans and hooded sweatshirts. Madison and I flounced around in our tight cocktail dresses a bit confused as to what we had signed ourselves up for. As we made our way to the bar for some much needed liquid courage we began to hear the boom of music coming from the upper decks. With our drinks in hand we made our way to the unknown. Here on the second floor was a whole other story. The twenty somethings of the boat had all flocked to this floor in which there was a DJ, a fantasy gifts booth full of fabulous sex toys, and a stage for the soon to come Men of Excalibur. I felt right at home as I passed by other girls who were dressed to their sexiest despite the frigid weather. We ventured on even further until we reached the third deck. The deck was almost empty due to the cold, but the view was breathtaking. The St. Croix  river was stunning in the oncoming twilight. We did take note that this was the bar to come to so that we could avoid the lines of downstairs. As we grabbed another drink I noticed the morning show, cigars in hand, talking on the side of the boat. It's definitely a strange experience putting faces to the voices you listen to during the groggy morning hours.

Madison wasn't as acquainted with the whole tradition of booty cruise since she grew up in Wisconsin (I try not to hold it against her Haha) She was gracious enough however to make this night about me. Allowing me to take pictures with all of the cast and even sit in on Gary Spivey. Meeting Dave Ryan was a treat. Even though tipsiness was beginning to set in he really took the time to talk and listen to me. And I'm pretty sure I told Lena a dead baby joke..yikes...maybe not my finest moment, but what the hell. After meeting everyone it was time to dance. If you know anything about me, I don't do anything half heatedly. I shook my booty with a stripper, made out with the DJ intern, and blew a ton of money. It was definitely worth it.

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