Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Friend, with Benefits?

Hello blogosphere, Tiger Lily here!!

Well it has certainly been an interesting couple of weeks since I last posted on here.
Lets start with the ladies!
I FINALLY was able to book some time in the lady-sphere which was much needed as the drought has been quite long.  I went to a friend's birthday party last weekend, and there were a lot of people that I didn't know, so of course I knew it was going to be a fun night.  I was standing downstairs by myself, trying to decide where to mingle, when all of the sudden I heard Tech N9ne playing over the speakers.  Now Tech has always helped me out in a tight spot, and boy, his music can do wonders to help people *ahem* connect.  So the song comes on and, because I am standing by my lonesome, I start rapping along. (With a 45 minute commute everyday, I get quite bored in my car). As I am rapping to myself, probably looking a little bit crazy and a lot a bit weird, a girl walks over to me.  She looks at me and says "wow, you like Tech 9, and you can rap really fast" (HA) so I winked at her a said "thats not the only impressive thing I can do with my tongue".  Needless to say about 20 minutes later me and this little lady were doing things that would make the the Pope wince and hide under his big hat.  It was nice to be with a woman again, as it is more tender and sensual than being with a man.  Hopefully I will see that little firecracker again soon.

Next, we of course, have the Friend.  Now we have been talking every day since my last blog post.  Last weekend I was sick and he came over and made me food and took care of me while I was coughing and covered in boogers, super attractive I know. On Wednesday night we were hanging out, for the third night in a row, when he tried to kiss me.  I stopped him, and asked him why he always felt the need to randomly stop talking to me.  The answer, is something I would rather not post about here, as it is very personal for him, but nonetheless a good enough answer for me.  So we then started hooking up, and before I knew it we were both naked and he was on top of me.  Now, this has happened before but instead of us having sex we end up doing other things.  Well bloggers, I am happy to say that on Wednesday, it FINALLY happened.  After a year of hooking up on and off, we had sex, and let me say, it was definitely worth the wait!  Between the friend and Miami, I'm starting to think that waiting is much better than just "hopping on the horse" right away.  So after Wednesday night the Friend and I woke up, had breakfast together and then went on with our days.  We hung out on Thursday, cuddled, but nothing else happened.  We hung out on Friday, and slept together again.  He made me breakfast on Saturday morning.
Then last night, I went out with Just Another Girl, and the White Knight.  While I was out on the town with my lady, the Friend was at my house, making me chili.  I came home and we ate chili, cuddled, and fell asleep.
Now I am confused.  What do I really want from the Friend? It seems as though sex has not (yet) changed anything in our relationship.. have I truly found a Friend with Benefits who cooks for me, is actually my friend, and someone I can sleep with?  I guess only time will tell and we will see if a friend with benefits relationship can happen sans drama.
Until next time blogosphere,
Tiger Lily

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