Monday, January 16, 2012

Tiger Lily takes over

 Hello all!! Since Just another girl is taking a long, much needed break from men, I figured it was time once again to fill all of you in on my life :)

Lets first catch up on the flames I last told you about.  Right after my last post in November, the Friend again disappeared from my life, just stopped returning my calls and texts.  I talked to a mutual friend of ours who told me he one day said "I have to stop talking to Tiger Lily" and that was it.  Was it something I did?  Maybe it was because I brought up the fact that we have never had sex, or maybe he met someone else.  As they say, "If you are getting mixed signals, it usually means someone else in in the mix".
The Pimp and my Turkish Delight did not work out as I had hoped, especially the Pimp.  After trying to get together for 2 weeks, he texted me one night saying "Okay, we should just get together and fuck". To which I obviously replied "Uhh no thank you, I have self respect".  He asked me out to dinner but I declined, not a man I want to get to know.  I went on a date with REM, the man from my work, but as it turns out he had no opinions about anything, and for an opinionated girl like myself, this will not fly, I need someone who will push back and who actually stands up for themselves!!

So I was ready to just give up on men and focus on women, when over the holidays one of my oldest friends, we can call him Miami, contacted me.  We have known each other for six years, and let me just put it out there, I wanted to have sex with him the first time I met him, 6 years ago.  Four years ago he moved away to Miami, and we get together every time he comes into town.  This time, we went out to dinner and Dave and Busters, I was determined to make something happen.  After dinner and some games, he asked me if I wanted to come back to his place and watch a movie.  Now, at the age of 22, we all know what "watch a movie" means, so obviously I accepted his invitation. We got back to his place and he put in a horror movie and sat on the couch.
We started watching the movie and he started to inch closer to me until we were holding hands.  Now, for me, Miami has always been my unattainable school girl fantasy, so the thoughts going through my head were along the lines of "holy shit, this is actually going to happen, fuck yeah".  He gently grabbed my face and kissed me.  It was everything I had hoped it would be.  We continued to hook up and ended up having sex.  Afterwards we cuddled and restarted the movie, as we missed the majority of it. We hooked up again then finally finished the movie, and I went home at the ripe hour of 4am in bliss.  Every night after that for the next 5 nights we would get together and "watch a movie".  Then New Years Eve came.  We ended up at the same concert and I found him in the crowd at 11:45pm.  We started chatting then the countdown started.  When the countdown got to "0" I turned to him and as balloons and confetti fell from the ceiling we kissed.  It felt like my life was a movie, and I could not have been happier....but he got on a plane the next day to go back to Florida.  It was the perfect week, mind-blowing sex topped off with a movie-quality New Years Eve. I am going to Southbeach with Just Another Girl and another friend of ours in March, and am looking forward to seeing Miami again.

After Miami left, I was perfectly contented to again focus on the ladies, and out of the blue last week I get a call from who else, but the Friend.  He says he misses me and wants to hang out.  We hung out last weekend in a group which was fine.  I dropped him off and as we hugged he kissed my cheek.  He has called me every day since and just asked me out on Friday.  What is this guy's deal???! I am going to get the the bottom of it before he gets anywhere near my belt buckle.

I have been on the prowl for ladies, but keep getting distracted by all these men.  Hopefully by my next post, I will have a lady to be updating you on!

Lots of love to the blogosphere
Tiger Lily

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