Thursday, September 1, 2011

Slim Pickins

So with the lack of men in my life I am starting on a blank slate. Where have all the boys of summer gone? Oh that's right... I missed the single train and now they are all settling down for a long and cold winter. Oh Minnesota I am not looking for your cruel weather during the trifecta of Singleton torture known as the holidays. Let's see we first begin with Christmas, followed shortly by New Years Eve, and finally ending with Valentines day. Oh this winter is going to be delightful.

In hopes of proving to myself that its not to late, I decided to re-activate my OKcupid account. So far in the past three days all I've got is a bunch of creepers. You should see some of these guys. One couldn't even spell, and I'm sorry I will not be grabbing coffee with a guy who uses this introductory statement "Zup with you" and yes he spelled Sup (which isn't even correct in the first place) with a Z. I also refuse to date anyone with the user name of Hottie201l or Electric_hotdog. I am not making these up people!

So needless to say with today being September first there better be some better fish in the sea once I start classes. If not I will just stick to my foe-girlfriend Tiger Lilly. At least she's willing to go pick apples in the orchard and eat fatty greasy deep fried cheeseburgers at the MN state fair. Ooooo maybe I can pick up a hot beer-gut- mullet wearing man at one of the On-A- Stick booths. How romantic.

For your entertainment here are some delicious treats I get to look forward to...

Bachelor #1

Bachelor #2

Bachelor #3

My Boyfriend : D

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