Monday, November 14, 2011

Introducing Tiger Lily

Hello Everyone!!
Tiger Lily here, since my good friend is on a mancation this week I offered to take over here for her, as it seems that in the past 2 weeks more has happened with me and the fine men of Minneapolis than in the past 6 months.

A little bit about me...I just graduated from the University of Minnesota in psychology and am hoping that I will be starting school to get my PhD in the fall. I work at a group home for mentally ill adults and I love my job.  In the summer of 2010 I went through a really rough break up, and man that boy is still a little nuts! I enjoy the ahem *company* of both men and women, but this does NOT mean that I want to have a threesome with you and your significant other, as this seems to be the common assumption.  Don't get me wrong a little adventure is always a good time, but the offers get pretty creepy and weird pretty quickly. I am saying this for every bisexual girl out there, ATTENTION MEN: just because a girl is bisexual it does not mean she wants to have sex with you and your girlfriend because
1) you might be ugly
2) your girlfriend might be ugly
3) Bisexual does not mean "a person that has sex with anything that moves"

As you may recall, in August I made a promise Just Another Girl that i would be celibate for 6 months.  I figured since I was already 4 months into a dry spell, another 6 would be no problem.  Everything was going fine until the week before Halloween.  One night I hung out with an old flame, we will call him the Friend.  He and I met when we were both in relationships and became friends.  Well, we both ended our relationships in the summer of 2010.  We hooked up until about February but never had sex, and just started hanging out again recently.  Now this is probably the most confusing relationship in my life.  We are friends and we hang out, sometimes we just cuddle and fall asleep, sometimes we hook up, but, after almost a year of hanging out and hooking up on and off, we have not yet had sex, it hasn't really even been put on the table!! So one night the week before Halloween he called me and my parents were out of town.  So of course he comes over and we have a couple cocktails and catch up on life. Around 3am we get tired and retire to my bedroom. We lay in my bed talking and he keeps inching closer, until his face is a half in away from mine, he's so close i can feel his breath on my lips.  We end up hooking up, and bam, there goes my celibacy vow, but totally worth it.

Then Halloween weekend I met a man at Brothers, the Pimp.  We danced all night and after a little making out on the dance floor, I gave him my number.  He left to get me a drink but while he was gone, I met my Turkish Delight.  I swooned at his accent, he asked me to dance and within 2 minutes I had forgotten all about the Pimp.    I left with the Turkish Delight and we ended up going back to his house.. lets just say after that night there was no question of me breaking my vow, it was so broken but come on, he was a good looking man with an accent, what was I supposed to do?!  Finally, there is REM, a boy I work with.  This relationship is definitely much more slow paced, mostly based on texting, in fact we have been talking for a month but have only gone on one date, to him I kind of just want to say, grow a pair and take me out again, I know you like me!!!

So these are the four men that I have aquired in the last 2 weeks and am carefully trying to juggle.  I have dates with the Pimp and the Turkish delight this week, plus Mary Jane's birthday this weekend, it should be a fun, man filled weekend!! Now if I only I could find a lady to mix in with all these men, my love life would be complete, so if anyone knows any eligable bachelorette's, let me know :)

~Tiger Lily

1 comment:

  1. I let you know about the lovely ladies once I come out of hiding.
