Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Delayed Regrets?

I have a confession to make, well maybe a few to make. The White Knight did indeed visit my bed chambers not too long ago. The thing about it is that I thought it was a mutual usage? Does that word work? You see I had been doing so well on moving on and dealing with not having him in my life. I did it because I was becoming paranoid and possessive. After our breakup I was just counting down the hours and days until he would find some new maiden to woe and conquer. He insisted in friendship, but how can someone be friends with an Ex-lover? How can I watch my title of girlfriend slowly dissolve into friend? I am still hurting and I cannot deny that as much as I try.

He contacted me finally and with some choice words I was more than willing to take the trip down memory lane with him. The problem is that in our reunion I had convinced myself that I would be benefiting as well. Technically I did, I mean after all I didn't enter into the depressing chocolate stage of my loneliness, I got a great work out, and was definitely able to release on him some pent up aggression. But what I failed to think about was the aftershock. Once the sheets turned cold and the phone was silent once more, who wins? It's this constant power struggle to see who cares less.Or maybe I'm not even in a war at all? He came, he saw, he conquered and now he's on to the next battle field. 

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